Billionaires Behind Marijuana Legalization | Self-Initiated Books

Billionaires Behind Marijuana Legalization

  • The push for marijuana to be legalized had been ongoing for decades, but its legalization seems to have had more to do with a push from some familiar billionaires in global affairs, rather than grass roots movements and footage of sick children.

    It seems timely that during the pandemic lockdowns, marijuana and alcohol retailers remained open "for our health", while federal governments handed out "emergency money", some of which enevitably would be funneled back into these industries which they regulate or control to passify the masses.

    As the peoples rights were being trampled upon by what essentially could be called "martial law" in some countries,  a large portion of millenials were more than happy to stay home to smoke dope and watch Netflix, and now that restrictions have been lifted, many are relunctant to go back to work because the government cheese to stay home is a much better deal.

    Is there something nefarious at work here? Are millenials the target generation to be overtaken by a digital world of sense gratifications, all the while being lullled asleep by "dope", and other sure to be recreational drugs legalized down the line? Is this just the next installment of the suicide culture of western civilization that has defined the 21st century? I believe so.

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