Richard Patrick Crosland Hanson (1916-1988), was Lightfoot Professor of Divinity at the University of Durham (1962-4), Professor of Christian Theology at the University of Nottingham (1964-70), Bishop of Clogher (1970-3), Professor of Historical and Contemporary Theology at the University of Manchester (1973-82), and Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Manchester (1973-83).
During his tenure at Manchester he worked notably on the evolution of Christian theology in the period between (and immediately prior to) the Councils of Nicea (325 AD) and Constantinople (381 A. D.) A historian of antiquity (he claimed to distrust history written concerning periods subsequent to 600 AD) he was particularly noted for a life of St. Patrick. Other publications of his include 'Studies in Christian Antiquity' and 'The Search for the Christian Doctrine of God'.