The publisher of the works of Colombian mystic Samael Aun Weor, Glorian, is rolling out a video series about the power of love and sex titled Sacred Sexuality. Episide One: The Purpose of Love, premiered online on May 20th 2023, and this thread will be updated with the following episodes as they are released.
AUGUST 2024 THREAD UPDATE: Due to censorship on YouTube after surpassing 1 million views, the publisher Glorian has decided to offer these videos privately on their website for any size donation. However, the trailers for all three episodes are still up on YouTube and are posted below.
TRAILER: Sacred Sexuality E1: The Purpose of Love
TRAILER: Sacred Sexuality E2: Secret History of Humanity
TRAILER: Sacred Sexuality E3: Sexual Revolution
While I personally have some reservations about his brand of gnosticism in general, Weor does a great job of placing love and sexuality to the forefront in the quest of spiritual mastery. His first book which caused a stir of international controversy in the 1960s, The Perfect Matrimony: The Door to Enter Into Initiation: Why Sex and Religion Are Inseparable, is available in our store.
Having read a few of his books, I would say his first book seems somewhat convoluted in terms of content, but it does introduce to his new readers many of the key concepts he would develop later in other works. We will be stocking some of his more practical books in the future.
Sacred Sexuality Series by Glorian
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