Yvon Le Loup

Yvon Le Loup, aka Paul Sedir (1871-1926)

Yvon Le Loup (1871-1926), under the pseudonym of the Paul Sédir, published numerous works on Christian Mysticism and Hermeticism. He first collaborated with several esoteric movements of his time; then, following his meeting with the remarkable Christian teacher and healer Master Philippe of Lyon, he devoted himself to serving Christ. In this service he gave numerous lectures, many of which were collected and published as books.

Of Sédir's meeting with Master Philippe, the prolific author Dr. Gerard Encausse (Papus), wrote: "There was in Sédir's life a solemn, decisive event that made him grasp the emptiness of secret sciences and societies and placed him forever upon the sole way of the gospel."

Yvon Le Loup, aka Paul Sedir (1871-1926)