Bill Darlison

    Bill Darlison (19xx-Present)

    Bill Darlison (19xx-Present), was a the senior minister of the Dublin Unitarian Church. In the early seventies, he studied for the Roman Catholic priesthood in Rome, but left before ordination and resumed work as a teacher. He joined the Unitarians in 1988, becoming a minister in 1994. In 2013-14 he was President of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches in Britain and Ireland.

    He has written for The Inquirer, The Unitarian, The Astrological Journal, The Furrow, The Irish Times, and The Gnostic. He is the author of two collections of spiritual stories (The Shortest Distance and Concentration and Compassion) and has recently published Moses the Matador: Allegorical Astronomy and Astrology in the Book of Exodus. The Gospel and the Zodiac: The Secret Truth about Jesus, was published by Duckworth in 2007, and was translated into German and Czech. The Celestial Journey of the Soul is a series of sermons based on The Gospel and the Zodiac.

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