Franz Bardon

Franz Bardon (1909-1958), was born in the current Czech Republic into a family which studied Esoteric Christianity, and became one of the most remarkable Hermetic magicians of the 20th century

In the 1930s Franz Bardon revealed the Holy Mysteries to the world at large. The Mysteries were revealed at that point in time because of the moral and spiritual decline of mankind, which, after entering the spirit world after their physical death, complained that they had no access to the true path of spiritual development.

In 1945 after refusing to become a Nazi collaborator, he was imprisoned for three and half months before the prison was bombed and he was liberated by Soviet soldiers.

After the war, Franz Bardon lived with his wife working as a naturopath and graphologist. He often traveled to Prague to teach, but his work was interrupted forever in 1958 when Bardon was arrested during one of Czechoslovakia’s notorious Communist purges, and died under “unusual circumstances” in a prison hospital the same year.

Franz Bardon (1909-1958)